This beautiful year-end wrap-up by Latasha N Nevada Diggs includes a brief mention of As We Know. We’re both big fans of LaTasha’s work and are thrilled she took notice of our little book. Visit the Walker Art Center’s website to see her rundown of the most interesting visual, sonic, and literary events this year. We also got our first… Read more →

Midwest Adventures
The past week was full of rapidfire exchanges, shushing, and travel–a midwest convergence that gave us a chance to launch the book in Milwaukee and share it in Chicago and Madison. We started out on Wednesday 12/10 at Danny’s, where we read with Tony Trigilio and were hosted by Joel Craig. Thanks to everyone who came out—Daniel Borzutzky, Sarah Fox,… Read more →

Our first mini-tour
Though the book’s official publication date is not for several weeks, we took advantage of a trip to Boulder to attend the Disembodied Poetics Conference at Naropa to give our first readings from it. We started Wednesday October 8 with a visit to Fort Collins, CO, where we read as part of the EveryEye series together with Jeffrey Pethybridge. There… Read more →